Lisa Ortiz

Dr. Lisa Ortiz is an Assistant Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leading. Her research examines knowledge-making practices of Puerto Rican migrants and communities in rural Puerto Rico and the Midwest, against current colonial and neoliberal logics. Prior to joining the School of Education, Dr. Ortiz was at the University of Iowa as the Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Research Scholar for the “Imagining Latinidades: Articulations of National Belonging” Sawyer Seminar and as a Provost Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the Department of Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies and Latina/o/x Studies program. There, she developed the first working group to focus on Latina/o/x Migration and Education, funded by the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies. Previously, she was an Instructional Assistant Professor in Women’s and Gender Studies at Illinois State University and has worked in academic and student affairs in Puerto Rico and the United States.