From September 30 to October 4, Pitt’s ongoing partnership with Newcastle University reached a new level when Newcastle representatives flew in from the UK to visit the steel city ahead of a collaborative conference, to be hosted virtually on October 19 and 20.
The Newcastle delegation included Pro-Vice Chancellor of Engagement and Place Dr. Jane Robinson, Head of International Relations and Partnerships Helen Challis, Director of Engagement Dr. Lynne Corner, and Director of Sport Katy Storie.
Guests were hosted by the University Center for International Studies (UCIS) and welcomed by UCIS leadership including Dr. Ariel Armony, Vice Chancellor for Global Affairs, Dr. Belkys Torres, Executive Director of Global Engagement, and Dr. Allyson Delnore, Executive Director of Academic Affairs. During their visit to Pitt’s Oakland campus, members of the delegation toured unique spaces including the Pitt Global Hub, renowned Nationality Rooms and Pitt’s Community Engagement Center in Homewood and the Hill District.
Throughout the visit, guests and hosts discussed ideas surrounding global knowledge hubs, community engagement, interinstitutional partnership, and universities as drivers of regional economic growth in post-industrial cities, among other topics.
Finally, the Newcastle delegation spent their last days in Pittsburgh meeting with university and community groups, growing their understanding of Pitt’s approach to place-based community engagement and connections to local government and community groups.
Lessons learned and connections forged during these five days of fellowship will continue to inform this place-based partnership, both during this year’s conference and in the leadup to the next; together, Pitt and Newcastle can work to make their communities a better place for people to live, work, and thrive.
Dr. Ariel Armony, Vice Chancellor for Global Affairs, said, “It’s been wonderful to welcome our partners from Newcastle to the city that we call home. Our similar pasts and shared visions for the future have built a strong foundation for years of continued partnership as place-based, people-focused community partners and economic drivers.”
Pitt students, faculty, and staff and community members are encouraged to register and join the group for the Newcastle-Pitt collaborative virtual conference, Universities: How can we take a people–centered approach to engage with our places?, which will be hosted virtually on October 19 and 20. Please contact globalpartnerships@pitt.edu with any questions.