Jallow is acquiring curriculum development techniques to implement in his home country of The Gambia.
Pitt Education is hosting Mamudou Jallow as a visiting scholar under the Fulbright African Research Scholar Program for the 2024-25 academic year.
Jallow, a native of The Gambia, a small West African country, joined the Department of Teaching, Learning and Leading over the summer. His Fulbright project, “Curriculum Development for Meeting Evolving Societal and Individual Learning Needs,” aims to acquire skills in curriculum development and use this knowledge to modernize and streamline curriculum processes at his home university.
“This opportunity is immense, and it will impact teaching and learning positively in my home country,” said Jallow, who heads the biology department at the University of The Gambia.
Jallow hit the ground running in Pittsburgh, joining Pitt’s discipline-based Science Education Research Center, the Biology Curriculum Committee, the Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC), the Department of Africana Studies, and the Pitt Global Hub.