Susan Ngababare

Before joining the Center for African Studies, Susan served as an academic advisor in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences since 2020. She had the role of mentoring and training newly recruited advisors and served as a member of the Anti-Black Racism Committee, which was formed to organize and coordinate training and workshops for Dietrich staff on issues related to racism, diversity, and inclusion. She was also on the Committee for the On-boarding Orientation program for incoming first-year students that works to ensure that students have access to personalized support and guidance while transitioning to college. Susan brings extensive experience from previous roles in outreach and engagement activities particularly in support of international student success.
Susan was born in South Sudan but spent much of her life in East Africa. She earned her master’s degree in international development studies from Ohio University and her Bachelor of Science degree in International Business Administration from United States International University in Nairobi, Kenya. She received her Ph.D. at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, in Higher Education and Student Affairs.