Krystal Marsh is a PhD candidate in the English department, where she is currently writing her dissertation “Ecologies of Performance in London’s National Shakespeare Theaters.” This year she is not only coordinating our International Career Toolkit series, but also teaching a UCIS professional development course this spring. There’s still time to sign up for the one-credit course, ARTSC 1000-1300, which runs on Thursdays 2-2:50pm.
What brought you to Pitt? How did you end up in your current role?
I came to Pitt to pursue my PhD in English. I’ve had many roles in the English department throughout my time here and have recently wanted to get more involved with other parts of the university. I am currently the International Career Toolkit Coordinator at UCIS, and it’s an ideal fit because it interacts with so many different Pitt students and departments.
What is your research area, and what is the focus of your dissertation?
My research area is Shakespeare studies, which has developed into quite an interdisciplinary field over the past few decades. My dissertation is titled “Ecologies of Performance in London’s National Shakespeare Theaters,” which looks closely at how two major London-based theaters (Shakespeare’s Globe and The National Theatre) have formally institutionalized Shakespeare through performance. I argue that these institutions reimagine British national mythology and identity through their Shakespeare repertoire, with a particular interest on how these institutions navigate British history and ideas of a contemporary “Global Britain” in this post-Brexit world.
What’s the accomplishment at Pitt that you’re proudest of?
I’m most proud of the 11 classes I’ve taught at Pitt. Teaching in a university classroom is a continuous learning process, but I’ve loved discovering different ways of co-creating thoughtful and engaging learning spaces alongside my students. It’s confirmed again and again for me the incredible value of incorporating the humanities into a student’s coursework regardless of what degree they are pursuing.
What would you say is the most exciting project you’re working on now?
Since I love teaching so much, I am particularly excited to teach the UCIS Professional Development course next semester. I am looking forward to tackling the pressing and terrifying question, “What will I do after I graduate?” and help students develop practical skills and strategies that can catapult them into meaningful careers.
What’s one fun fact that people might not know about you?
I play at least one board game every day. I’m quite fortunate that my husband works in the board game industry and is a whiz at rulebook-reading, so I just get to sit down at the table and play!
Favorite thing about UCIS and working here?
I enjoy working closely with the people here in UCIS. There are so many diverse skills and backgrounds in the Center and I’ve learned so much from each of them even in just a few months! I lived in my own graduate student/English department bubble before having this position, and it’s been so exciting to develop a broader perspective of the work happening at Pitt through UCIS and my coworkers.